Factory Setup in Saudi Arabia

Factory Setup Services in Saudi Arabia.

Experience seamless factory setup services in Saudi Arabia – where opportunity meets innovation
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Why Choose Saudi Arabia for Factory Setup?

At Analytix, we understand the pivotal role location plays in business success. Setting up your factory in Saudi Arabia opens up a strategic gateway into the Middle East market. With robust infrastructure, a favorable business environment, and a commitment to innovation,  factory setup in KSA is your road toward manufacturing excellence.

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Strategic Location

Saudi’s proximity to key shipping routes sitting at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa

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Ease of Doing Business

The kingdom has worked hard to streamline regulations and reduce obstacles to doing business

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Abundant Natural Resources

Saudi is rich in oil and gas leading to lower energy costs for manufacturing operations

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Stable Economy

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has shown strong and consistent growth with a rapidly expanding private sector

Documents Required for the Issuance of Building Completion and Occupancy Certificate

Discover the essential documents that are needed to ensure a smooth and compliant conclusion to your construction project for setting up a factory in KSA.

We Help You In Building Your Factory in Top Industrial cities in Saudi Arabia

Our factory setup consultants help to position your business for success in the thriving industrial landscape of the Kingdom.

From site selection to regulatory compliance, our expert team will be with you every step of the way to ensure seamless and efficient factory setup in KSA.

Steps for Setting Up a Factory In Saudi Arabia

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Step 1

Apply to request land or ready-built factory from MODON

Step 2

Register for the lease agreement

Step 3

Get approval for the following by appointing MODON Approved Consultants (3rd Party)

Step 4

Apply for Inspection after factory construction is completed to obtain approval and operation license issuance

Step 5

Apply for an Environment license from the Ministry of Environment through an approved consultant ( 3rd Party )


An Industrial license with an under-construction factory status should be applied for

Step 7

Apply for an operational license from MODON

Step 8

Apply for visas for factory workers

Step 9

License from corresponding authorities depending on the industrial activity

Step 10

Apply for Industrial license to be changed from ‘Under construction’ status to Production status

Ready-Built Factories in Saudi Arabia

Ready-built factories are a pilot project started by “MODON” serving medium and small entrepreneurs alike in many industrial cities. The idea of this project is to ease the production process for the investor. It saves them from engaging in the time-consuming design and construction process for factory setup in Saudi Arabia.

Details for Renting Ready-Built Factories:

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MODON provides three types of factories according to area size (1500 m2 and 700 m2) to match the needs of every investor and activity.

Trusted Factory Setup Consultants in Saudi

Our team at Analytix brings you expertise, reliability, and a proven track record as expert factory setup consultants. We maintain a deep understanding of local regulations and market dynamics, as well as a commitment to client success while navigating the complexities of setting up a factory in Saudi Arabia. Partner with us for tailored and efficient factory setup services in the Kingdom.

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Years of Experience
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International Market Presence
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Company Formations in KSA
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Not sure were to begin ?

Schedule a Call with our Factory Setup Consultant

Nishad Abdu Rahiman, Senior Business Consultant 

Locations We Cover.

Analytix offers unparalleled service coverage in Saudi Arabia, spanning major hubs such as Dammam, Riyadh, and Jeddah. No matter where your business operates, trust us for comprehensive and reliable support for factory setup services in Saudi Arabia. Our office presence is available across:

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Factory Setup in Dammam

We have established our name as a prominent figure providing factory services in Dammam, offering services ranging from applying for a factory license to getting into the production stage.

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Factory Setup in Riyadh

Analytix provides easy and cost-effective factory setup services in Riyadh, helping you to operate your factory smoothly in KSA.

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Factory Setup in Jeddah

We are your go-to partner for factory setup services in Jeddah providing feasible and integrated solutions suited to your requirements.

Setting up a factory in KSA has never been Easier

Let us know your requirements regarding factory setup in Saudi and we will get back to you with the most efficient solutions.
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Frequently Asked Questions

If your question is not addressed here, please feel free to reach out to us. We value your inquiry.

MODON is the Arabic acronym for The Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zones, which is the governing body of Saudi’s 36 industrial cities.
Saudi has 36 industrial cities which are special geographical areas developed to provide world-class infrastructure, logistics, and utility services for the setting up of factories and industries.
MODON provides investors with industrial lands, ready-built factories, business incubators, and accelerators along with logistical support.
Industrial license is issued by the Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources in Saudi Arabia.
Analytix provides you with complete support for setting up your factory in Saudi Arabia from applying for industrial land from MODON to getting a license to start production.

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